Installation of the Radonix Controller in the Electrical Penel

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Installation of the Radonix Controller in the Electrical Penel

The Radonix controllers have a strong plastic protective cover that is supported by a base. They have been designed to be installed on the rails of the electrical panel.

Location of the Controller

The location of the controller is crucial in relation to the other elements inside the electrical panel. Inverters, drivers, and high-voltage cables can generate noise in the electrical panel. Therefore, it is important to place the controller at a sufficient distance from these sources, particularly the path of the communication cable to the computer. The controller should be at least 5 cm away from the other components (such as ducts and cables inside the panel) on each side. (Refer to Figure 1)

Switchboard Design

It is recommended that the switchboard designer allocate a separate area for the low-voltage elements and the controller, and respect the distance between the high-voltage components of the panel. The high-voltage cables should have the shortest path in the panel and should not pass near low-voltage elements or be at a greater distance from these elements.

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